Investing in renewable technology
New project development for renewable energy in countries facing unusual challenges to modernise their energy supply.
Planting trees to reverse deforestation
Reduce extreme poverty and restore healthy forests by employing local people to plant millions of trees every year.
Planting seagrass to revive our oceans
Conservation of seagrass ecosystems and ensuring that the benefits they provide are sustained now and for the future.
Offsetting your unavoidable emissions
Offset remaining emissions to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and support the transition to a low-carbon future.
How your business can take action
With U Offset, businesses can buy government verified carbon credits (VER) generated by projects that are cleaning up the atmosphere. However, this shouldn’t hamper efforts to reduce emissions more holistically. Contact us to calculate your emissions and to create a net-zero plan to reduce them.

A Carbon Neutral Workforce
Offset your staff’s individual carbon footprints via our service whilst planting trees and seagrass. Tell us the number of staff you have and we’ll do the rest.

Offset Your Team's Flights
We know that sometimes you may need to fly for work. Whilst the ideal solution would be to meet online, we can offset the carbon emitted for your flight when necessary.

Offset Your Company's Events
Events are often key to growing your business, but can have a large negative environmental impact. Let us calculate your bespoke footprint and make your event carbon neutral.
Projects we invest in
Here are the schemes we are currently or have previously invested in. They are all verified by Gold Standard, and contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Non-recurring offsets & gifts
- Trees
- Seagrass
- Flights
- Events
Tree Planting
The majority of the reforestation we do happens in low cost, high impact areas to be as effective as possible.



To understand the variables of your event such as location, number of attendees, catering, duration, how people will travel etc. we suggest having a conversation so we can accurately gauge your event’s emissions.
Please fill out the form to arrange a consultation.
What our customers are saying

Our philosophy & values
We formed U Offset to inspire change, for too long now we have heard much talk with no action. Our aim is to build a community that can drive change, through education, support and verified offsetting investment in global and local schemes.
Our community provides a digital platform to collaborate, to inspire others, to gather momentum, to take meaningful action in our fight against our climate change.

Our partners
We invest your subscription in the world’s leading schemes. They are all verified by the United Nations, and contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
We believe in 100% transparency and accountability, so here we’ve explained the main key questions we receive- if you have any remaining doubts, please feel free to ask.
Our success is measured in impact, and this is reflected in how we spend your money.
As an individual U Offset subscriber, 85% of your subscription money (a minimum of 77.5 for business subscriptions) goes directly to funding these planet-saving projects. This includes any transaction fees incurred to get that money where it needs to be.
The remainder covers everything else – including spreading the word, staff and premises costs, hosting and licenses. Top priority for us is maintaining overheads at just what’s genuinely necessary to maximise impact, with our operational margin standing at just 15% (22.5% for business).
Transparency and trust are core values of ours. They go hand in hand with responsibly putting your money to the best use possible. For those who are interested, you can view our annual Financial Reports.
The projects you’ll be supporting (like reforestation, renewables, efficient cooking stoves) are all ranked highly in terms of climate change solutions.
There are billions of concerned people on this planet who care, but don’t know how to make a meaningful contribution. If we can simply unify those people on one platform to take action together, the strength in our numbers is simply colossal.
We’re not a charity, but a social enterprise. This means we’re not registered as a non-profit, and this is a deliberate strategy to increase the scale of our impact.
With non-profits come financial limitations, and to reach the scale we’re intending, charitable donations and government grants are not enough. If we can reach investors, who often come with financial clout and deep pockets, we can grow very quickly indeed. Only a self-sustaining business model is attractive for that investment.
Otherwise, we operate like a charity, borrowing the best elements that serve our cause and publicly publishing financial information. Our operational margin of just 15% (22.5% for business) is comparable with that of some of the best charities.
For carbon offsets, we publish retirement certificates each quarter which evidence how many tonnes of CO2 have been prevented from going into the atmosphere through our funding. You can view these here.
We only buy carbon credits that meet industry-leading carbon standards – primarily the Gold Standard, but we will also be buying from the Verified Carbon Standard in the future.
Yes. For our tree-planting activities, you can view the associated invoice receipts of purchases from our tree planting partners around the world.
All partners are regularly audited by independent third parties to ensure that the work our community funds is being carried out properly. For example, check out this annual audit for a tree planting project in Madagascar by our partners at Eden Reforestation.
U Offset does not count its tree planting projects towards its calculations of carbon reductions: because newly planted trees are young, they have not reached enough carbon capture potential to be counted as verified tonnes of carbon reductions. Some trees don’t reach overall carbon capture until their 10th year of life, so while tree planting is a necessary investment for the future, it is not a way to reduce emissions now.
For the same reason, all of the credits created by the Woodland Carbon Code (which was launched in 2011 and verifies projects in the UK) are currently Pending Issuance Units (PIUs) until they are mature enough to become Woodland Carbon Units (WCUs) – which are then equivalent to one tonne of carbon removed. Until the trees are this age, they cannot be considered carbon credits of any kind. Once mature however, they will be an example of a nature-based carbon removal credit.
We use the official emissions calculations provided by the World Resources Institute’s Climate Watch platform. You can see how it works at
The first stage for organisations interested in offsetting is to understand your impact, your carbon footprint. There is a big push from government to support and enable organisations to work through, reduce and report their emissions via (SME climate Hub link).
Here at U Offset we work closely with Sustainable Business Services, who work with organisations to provide this as a service, aligned to the United Nations Race to Zero climate change campaign and the SME Climate Hub. You can contact Sustainable Business Services here.
Still have a question? Just ask us at
Why offset with U Offset?
We inspire action
Our transparency pledge to you
How your contribution is distributed

Transparency and trust are core values of ours. They go hand in hand with responsibly putting your money to the best use possible. We’ll be publishing our financial reports on this site every year so you can see we’re keeping to our word.
Our profit is measured in impact, and this is reflected in how we spend your money. ~80% of all subscriptions go directly to funding these planet saving projects. This percentage can vary depending on the fluctuating cost of verified carbon credits (VERs).
With the rest we’ll cover everything else including any incurred transaction fees incurred, a budget to attract new subscribers, staff costs, hosting, licenses and account management.
The Climate Clock
“The Climate Clock is a countdown to the biggest man-made disaster we face – but also a measure by which we can track our progress – moving from fossil to renewable energy. It shows we have no time to lose – the clock is ticking…”
Dale Vince, OBE.
Community journal
This is a space for people to share their ideas, knowledge and experiences to enrich the lives of our community and the wider world. If you would like to contribute an article or news story, please get in touch!
Get in touch
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Business & partnerships:
Press & technical: